Customized Lyric Sheets, Chord Charts,
and Lead Sheets


Customized Lyric Sheets 

Fully customized to your key of preference as well as your musical composition.  Real chords placed over real words right where they come in the song.  Based on a recording or your own interpretive  arrangement, these lyric sheets emphasize what works best for you.  You choose the complexity (from simple to advanced), and we create the perfect lyric document for you.

Tired of dealing with lyric sheets that look like this:

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When they can look like this:

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More Customized Lyric Sheet Examples

Customized Chord Charts

Want to take it to the next level?   A corresponding professional chord chart.  This sheet combines the chords from the lyric sheet into a music document that can be read by any musician.  Simple to exotic chords placed in staves and measures complete with accents, rests, key changes, and repeats.  Everything you’ll need to have others play along with you wherever you perform.  Lessen or even eliminate rehearsal time as these charts are a perfect roadmap to how you want your song performed. 

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More Customized Chord Chart Examples

Customized Lead Sheets

For the ultimate in documenting your original songs, let me create the quintessential presentation: “The Lead Sheet”.  These pages combine the best of a “Lyric Sheet” and the musical changes of a  “Chord Chart” with a melody line to fully immortalize your musical creation.  With these sheets, anyone can recreate your musical vision as you intended it, and they give you a complete, accurate, and permanent record of your song.  Perfect for submitting along with your copyright application, these are available in your original key or can be subsequently ordered in another key for use with other singers and performers.

More Customized Lead Sheet Examples

Have me create a lyrics sheet, chord chart, or a lead sheet .

Costs are based on availability of lyrics, complexity of arrangement, and source material. Contact Me to discuss your needs and options.